Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Gift of Friends

This poem was written after an enjoyable visit with friends in the country. A walk in a sunny, spring breeze, followed by dinner, desert, tea and lots of laughs.

With Friends

Sun in my face, and driven
South to its shelter.
What touch this time
In tea speaking?
And sweet within the crust.

I listen. Leaf green. And silence
Wisdom walks the current,
Claims the voice of heart
And reason laughing
With friends.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Chill Mist in May

Today cool and light rain
Yesterday’s chill
Oregon mist in Minnesota
Keeps green the trees wave
By wind and birdsong
A washroom of spirit
Sign up here—
Become the mother of intent
The father of reason
Earth-time is life in transit
Taking train to next stop
Get off the high horse of meaningless cliché.
It’s raining.

Catch up on sound
Still reverberating
To the silent sheath of reason
Stretched in intuition—
A masterpiece of soul.
Behold the vision
The premonition
The quality of life out there
When the chill mist in May
Remakes me.