Sunday, May 10, 2015

Boy. Dog. Woods.

On our twenty acres the back fence kept farmer Jones' turkeys on his place most of the time. Togo was the first dog I remember. He got old before I knew anywhere else besides home, school, church and cousins. Oh, there were trips to town shopping at Tipton's and a Christmas movie too.

Friend at Nine
Cold nose, black
Red tongue panting
Togo, brown Chow friend
Sticks and creek and woods we run
Turkeys were too slow.


Boy Dog Woods
Douglas fir bark
moss on black dirt
kid Fort Flint in Fishback's woods
Togo always with me.

 © 2015 Ardi Keim


  1. Thank you for sharing a journey into your childhood. Clearly descriptive! Well Done, Ardi.

  2. Thank you M. Never old. Always grows. (Creativity never grows old.)
